Personalized platform to assist patients in the management of pathologies and post-operative care.


Icarus was created with the aim of getting to know you, learning about you and your needs. Thanks to medical professionalism, we are able to support you in your daily life and address your problems.

A unified clinical platform
managed by AI.

Icarus uses artificial intelligence in an innovative way. By profiling patients through interviews and clinical data analysis, we can precisely apply scientific literature to address problems related to specific pathologies in a manner that is personalized for each individual.

Diabetes celiac disease

No more difficulties in managing diabetes celiac disease and hypercholesterolemia

Main Point

Nutritional assessment of dietary issues

Health problems of the elderly​

No more difficulties with managing  typical health problems of the elderly

Main Point

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Constant medical support​

Make away ifficulty accessing constant medical support

Main Point

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Friendly Intuitive User Interface​

No more Difficulties in the use of technological devices for the elderly

Main Point

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tailor Made on patient's needs

Icarus Technology

Excellence in Health Care is Our Commitment

Puoi imparare a conoscerti meglio attraverso ICARUS

Un semplice test da fare a casa. Un campione di saliva. Un minuto. Un nuovo stile di vita, personalizzato per i tuoi geni.


The Best Possible PRODUCT

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AI for management and monitoring

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Integration with Microsoft Health Azure

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Intuitive User Interface

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Voice assistance

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Continuous health monitoring

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Cross-platform accessibility

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Ease of use also for elderly

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Serving Patients with Dedication with Our Best Features

  • Personalizzazione

    Il tuo DNA ti rende unico. Unici sono anche i tuoi obiettivi, le tue abitudini, i tuoi gusti, il tuo lifestyle e i tuoi impegni. Terremo conto di tutto questo!

  • Approccio clinico

    Il nostro approccio si fonda sulla scienza. Per questo organizziamo il tuo percorso a partire da analisi di routine sino ad analisi più avanzate come i nostri esami anti-aging.

  • Approccio olistico

    Realizziamo un percorso nutrigenetico per te che tocca diversi ambiti della salute e del benessere. Ti aiutiamo a trovare un equilibrio che sia adatto a te.

  • Supporto umano

    Se un servizio online non ti basta quando si tratta di salute e benessere, Icarus mette a tua disposizione medici esperti di nutrigenetica, nutrigenomica e medicina preventiva, in remoto o in presenza.

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